Adult Nurse CBT

NMC CBT Practice test 3

The NBC CBT Practice Test is a valuable resource for nurses preparing to take the Computer Adaptive Test required for registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) in the UK.

1 / 120

Why are support stockings used?

2 / 120

Which of the following techniques is advisable when obtaining a urine specimen in order to minimize the contamination of a specimen?

3 / 120

Approximately how long is the spinal cord in an adult?

4 / 120

Common causes for hyperglycaemia include:

5 / 120

What are the contraindications for the use of the blood glucose meter for blood glucose monitoring?

6 / 120

You are looking after an emaciated 80-year old man who has been admitted to your ward with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive airways disease (COPD). He is currently so short of breath that it is difficult for him to mobilize. What are some of the actions you take to prevent him developing a pressure ulcer?

7 / 120

Which is not an appropriate way to care for patients with Dementia/Alzheimer’s?

8 / 120

The nurse is measuring the crutch using the patient’s height. How many inches should the nurse subtract from the patient’s height to obtain the approximate measurement?

9 / 120

A patient is being discharged form the hospital after having coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). Which level of the health care system will best serve the needs of this patient at this point?

10 / 120

Which of the following is a behavioural risk factor when assessing the potential risks of falling in an older person?

11 / 120

People with blood group A are able to receive blood from the following:

12 / 120

Nurse is teaching patient about crutch walking which is incorrect?

13 / 120

Anti-embolic stockings an effective means of reducing the potential of developing a deep vein thrombosis because:

14 / 120

Fiona a 70 year old has recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. You have EC devised a care plan to meet her nutritional needs. However, you have noted that she ahs poor fitting dentures. Which of the following is the least likely risk to the service user?

15 / 120

A nurse is caring for a patient with canes. After providing instruction on proper cane use, the patient is asked to repeat the instructions given. Which of the following patient statement needs further instruction?

16 / 120

Mrs Red’s doctor is suspecting an aortic aneurysm after her chest x-ray. Which of the most common type of aneurysm?

17 / 120

During cardiopulmonary resuscitation:

18 / 120

You are currently on placement in the emergency department (ED). A 55- year-old city worker is blue lighted into the ED having had a cardiorespiratory arrest at work. The paramedics have been resuscitating him for 3 minutes. On arrival, he is in ventricular fibrillation. Your mentor asks you the following question prior to your shift starting: What will be the most important part of the patient’s immediate advanced life support?

19 / 120

Why are elderly prone to postural hypotension? Select which does not apply:

20 / 120

The correct management of an adult patient in ventricular fibrillation (VF) cardiac arrest includes:

21 / 120

Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by compression of which nerve:

22 / 120

The most commonly injured carpal bone is:

23 / 120

The patient can be selected with a crutch gait depending on the following apart from:

24 / 120

Which of the following can a patient not have if they have a pacemaker in situ?

25 / 120

Barbara, an elderly patient with dementia, wishes to go out of the hospital. What will be you appropriate action?

26 / 120

Which finding should the nurse report to the provider to a magnetic resonance imaging MRI?

27 / 120

You are preparing to consider a Tuberculin (Mantoux) skin test to a client suspected of having TB. The nurse knows that the test will reveal which of the following?

28 / 120

Which is the first drug to be used in cardia arrest of any aetiology?

29 / 120

You are looking after a 76-year old woman who has had a number of recent falls at home. What would you do to try & ensure her safety whilst she is in hospital?

30 / 120

In Spinal cord injury patients, what is the most common cause of autonomic dysreflexia ( a sudden rise in blood pressure)?

31 / 120

What is not included in the care package in a nursing home?

32 / 120

Mr Cross informed you of how upset he was when you commented on his diabetic foot during your regular home visit. He is considering to see another tissue viability nurse. How will you best respond to him?

33 / 120

What is the name given to a decreased pulse rate or heart rate?

34 / 120

Most of the symptoms are common in both type1 and type 2 diabetes. Which of the following symptom is more common in typ1 than type2?

35 / 120

A patient with dementia is mourning and pulling the dress during night what do you understand from this?

36 / 120

In Spinal cord injury patients, what is the most common cause of autonomic dysreflexia ( a sudden rise in blood pressure)?

37 / 120

While having lunch at the cafeteria, your co-worker suddenly collapsed. As a nurse, what would you do?

38 / 120

How to act in an emergency in a health care set up?

39 / 120

A patient puts out his arm so that you can take his blood pressure. What type of consent is this?

40 / 120

You are looking after a postoperative patient and when carrying out their observations, you discover that they are tachycardic and anxious, with an increased respiratory rate. What could be happening? What would you do?

41 / 120

Mrs Smith has been assessed to have a cardiac arrest after anaphylactic reaction to a medication. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) was started immediately. According to the Resuscitation Council UK, which of the following statements is true?

42 / 120

If blood is being taken for other tests, and a patient requires collection of blood cultures, which should come first to reduce the risk of contamination?

43 / 120

An elderly client with dementia is cared by hid daughter. The daughter locks him in a room to keep him safe when she goes out to work and not considering any other options. As a nurse what is your action?

44 / 120

When developing a program offering for patients who are newly diagnosed with diabetes, a nurse case manager demonstrates an understanding of learning styles by:

45 / 120

When using crutches, what part of the body should absorb the patient’s weight?

46 / 120

What is the most common cause of hypotention in elderly?

47 / 120

How do we handle a specimen container labelled with a yellow hazard sticker?

48 / 120

A normal sign of aging in the renal system is

49 / 120

Which of the following is the most common aneurysm site?

50 / 120

How should be the surrounding area of a patient with dementia?

51 / 120

Knowing the difference between normal age- related changes & pathologic findings, which finding should the nurse identify as pathologic in a 74 year old patient?

52 / 120

After instructing the client on crutch walking technique, the nurse should evaluate the client’s understanding by using which of the following methods?

53 / 120

When collecting an MSU from a male patient, what should they do prior to the specimen being collected?

54 / 120

In a community hospital, an elderly man approaches you and tells you that his neighbour has been stealing his money, saying “sometimes I give him money to buy groceries but he didn’t buy groceries and he kept the money” what is your best course of action for this?

55 / 120

Common signs and symptoms of a hypoglycaemia exclude:

56 / 120

The nurse should adjust the walker at which level to promote safety & stability?

57 / 120

Which layer of the skin contains blood and lymph vessels. Sweat and sebaceous glands?

58 / 120

Alone, metformin does not cause hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar). However, in rare cases, you may develop hypoglycaemia if you combine metformin with:

59 / 120

How many phases of korotkoff sounds are there?

60 / 120

You are looking after a 75 year old woman who had an abdominal hysterectomy 2 days ago. What would you do reduce the risk of her developing a deep vein thrombosis (DVT)?

61 / 120

What are the principles of communicating with a patient with delirium?

62 / 120

An 83-year old lady just lost her husband. Her brother visited the lady in her house. He observed that the lady is acting okay but it is obvious that she is depressed. 3weeks after the husband’s death, the lady called her brother crying and was saying that her husband just died. She even said, “I cant even remember him saying he was sick.” When the brother visited the lady, she was observed to be well physically but was irritable and claims to have frequent urination at night and she verbalizes that she can see lots of rats in their kitchen. Based on the manifestations, as a nurse, what will you consider as a diagnosis to this patient?

63 / 120

Hypoglycaemia in patients with diabetes is more likely to occur when the patients take:

64 / 120

You are caring for a patient who is known to have dementia. What particular issues should you consider prior to discharge.

65 / 120

Mr Bond, 72 years old, complains of difficulty of chewing his food. He normally wears upper dentures daily. On assessment, you noticed some signs of gingivitis. Which of the following signs will you expect?

66 / 120

A client is ambulating with a walker. The nurse corrects the walking pattern of the patient if he does which of the following?

67 / 120

The client advanced his left crutch first followed by the right foot, then the right crutch followed by the left foot. What type of gait is the client using?

68 / 120

What is abduction?

69 / 120

The nurse is caring for a diabetic patient and when making rounds, notices that the patient is trembling and stating they are dizzy. The next action by the nurse would be:

70 / 120

In a community setting, an elderly patient reported to you that he gives shopping money to his neighbours but failed to bring groceries on frequent occasions. What is your best response on this situation?

71 / 120

How do we handle a specimen container labelled with a yellow hazard sticker?

72 / 120

Most commonly aneurysms can develop on?

73 / 120

Mr Bond also shared with you that his gums also bleed during brushing. Which of the following statement will best explain this?

74 / 120

Angel, 52 years old lose her husband due to some disease. 4 weeks later, she calls her mother and says that, yesterday my husband died…I didn’t know that he was sick…I cant sleep and I see rats and mites in the kitchen. What is angel’s condition?

75 / 120

Which of the following displays the proper use of Zimmer frame?

76 / 120

What action would you take if a specimen had a biohazard sticker on it?

77 / 120

What should be taught to a client about use of zimmer frame

78 / 120

How do you ensure the correct blood to culture ratio when obtaining a blood culture specimen from an adult patient?

79 / 120

In the context of assessing risks prior to moving and handling, what does T-I-L-E stand for?

80 / 120

When dealing with a patient who has a biohazard specimen, how will you ensure proper disposal? Select which does not apply:

81 / 120

Why constipation occurs in old age?

82 / 120

Why is pyrexia not always evident in the elderly?

83 / 120

A client with a right arm cast for fractured humerus states, “I haven’t been able to straighten the fingers on the right hand since this morning.” What action should the nurse take?

84 / 120

What would you do if a patient with diabetes and peripheral neuropathy requires assistance cutting his toe nails?

85 / 120

A patient is prescribed methformin 1 000mg twice a day for his diabetes. While taking with the patient he states “I never eat breakfast so I take 1⁄2 tablet at lunch and a whole tablet at supper because I don’t want my blood sugar to drop.” As his primary care nurse you:

86 / 120

An 86 year old male with senile dementia has been physically abused & neglected for the past two years by his live in caregiver. He has since moved & is living with his son & daughter-in-law. Which response by the client’s son would cause the nurse great concern?

87 / 120

To promote stability for a patient using walkers, the nurse should instruct the patient to place his hands at:

88 / 120

Which of the following is a sign of dehydration in the elderly?

89 / 120

The nurse cares for an elderly patient with moderate hearing loss. The nurse should teach the patient’s family to use which of the following approaches when speaking to the patient?

90 / 120

Which of the major theories of aging suggest that older adults may decelerate the aging process?

91 / 120

You are looking after a 75 year old woman who had an abdominal a) b) c) d) 328. a) b) c) d) 329. Malnutrition Hyperglycemia Dehydration Hypoglycaemia What is the most common cause of hypotention in elderly? Decreased response in adrenaline & noradrenaline Atheroma changes in vessel walls hyperglycaemia Age What is an intermediate care home? hysterectomy 2 days ago. What would you do reduce the risk of her developing a deep vein thrombosis (DVT)?

92 / 120

The patient is being discharged from the hospital after having a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). Which level of the health care system will best serve the needs of this patient at this point?

93 / 120

The nurse is giving the client with a left cast crutch walking instructions using the three point gait. The client is allowed touchdown of the affected leg. The nurse tells the client to advance the:

94 / 120

What is atrial fibrillation?

95 / 120

A 76 year old man who is a resident in an extended care facility is in the late stages of Alzheimer’s disease. He tells his nurse that he has sore back muscles from all the construction work he has been doing all day. Which response by the nurse is most appropriate?

96 / 120

Among the following drugs, which does not cause falls in an elderly?

97 / 120

Conditions producing orthostatic hypotension in the elderly:

98 / 120

How do the structures of the human body work together to provide support and assist in movement?

99 / 120

In DVT TEDS stockings affect circulation by:

100 / 120

The nurse should consider performing preparatory exercises on which muscle to prevent flexion or buckling during crutch walking?

101 / 120

For an average person from UK who has non-insulin dependent diabetes, how many servings of fruits and vegetables per day should they take?

102 / 120

Nurses assume responsibility on patient with cane. Which of the following is the nurse’s topmost priority in caring for a patient with cane?

103 / 120

Which of the following is a guiding principle for the nurse in distinguishing mental disorders from the expected changes associated with aging

104 / 120

Which finding should the nurse report to the provider prior to a magnetic resonance imaging MRI?

105 / 120

What is the clinical benefit of active ankle movements?

106 / 120

Why is pyrexia not evident in the elderly?

107 / 120

The nurse is caring for a diabetic patient and when making rounds, notices that the patient is trembling and stating they are dizzy. The next action by the nurse would be:

108 / 120

Proper technique to use walker

109 / 120

What does ‘muscle atrophy’ mean?

110 / 120

Your nurse manager approaches you in a tertiary level old age home where complex cases are admitted, and she tells you that today everyone should adopt task – oriented nursing to finish the tasks by 10 am what’s your best action

111 / 120

The most advanced gait used in crutch walking is:

112 / 120

What is an intermediate care home?

113 / 120

What Is not a cause of postural hypotension?

114 / 120

CVP line measures?

115 / 120

Why should healthcare professionals take extra care when washing and drying an elderly patients skin?

116 / 120

A nurse is advised one hour vital charting of a patient, how frequently it should be recorded?

117 / 120

The nurse is caring for an immobile client. The nurse is promoting interventions to prevent foot drop from occurring. Which of the following is least likely a cause of foot drop?

118 / 120

In going up the stairs with crutches, the nurse should instruct the patient to:

119 / 120

What medications would most likely increase the risk for fall?

120 / 120

What a patient should not do when using zimmer frame

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nmc cbt mock test

Taking the NMC CBT is a big step if you want to be a nurse or midwife in the UK. It might seem a bit scary, but there’s a great way to get ready: by doing this nmc cbt mock test. These are like practice runs of the real test, and they’re super helpful.

When you do these nmc cbt mock test, it’s like you’re sitting down for the real thing. You get to answer questions just like the ones you’ll see on test day, and you can see how much time you take. This is good because you’ll get used to the kinds of questions and how long you have to answer them. And the best part? You’ll learn what parts are easy for you and which parts you need to study more.

Every time you do a mock test, it’s like you’re checking to see if you’re ready. If there are things you don’t know yet, you’ll find them, and then you can learn them before the real test. It’s smart because you’re learning by doing, and that makes things stick in your head better.

Remember, studying a lot is important, but studying smart is even better. Using mock tests means you’re not just learning stuff; you’re learning how to be good at taking tests, too. So when the real test comes, you’ll feel ready and excited to show what you know. Each question you practice is another step towards your dream of being a nurse or midwife in the UK. So go on, give those nmc cbt mock test a go, and get one step closer to where you want to be!

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