Midwife CBT

Part B: Midwifery Clinical Test 1

The NBC CBT Practice Test is a valuable resource for nurses preparing to take the Computer Adaptive Test required for registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) in the UK.

1 / 100

What is the recommended intervention for a woman with preterm labor and intact membranes?

2 / 100

Which vitamin is important to prevent neural tube defects and should be advised pre-conception and during pregnancy?

3 / 100

How can perineal tears be prevented during childbirth?

4 / 100

What should be monitored after administering prostaglandins for labor induction?

5 / 100

What should a midwife recommend for managing anxiety during pregnancy?

6 / 100

What intervention is necessary for a newborn with a low Apgar score?

7 / 100

How should a midwife handle a routine 20-week scan?

8 / 100

What is a safe sleep practice for a newborn?

9 / 100

How should you respond if a woman experiences a postpartum hemorrhage?

10 / 100

How is the diagnosis of placental abruption confirmed?

11 / 100

When should prophylactic antibiotics be administered during cesarean delivery?

12 / 100

Which is a primary concern when a postpartum woman experiences hypertension?

13 / 100

When should breastfeeding ideally begin?

14 / 100

How should informed consent be obtained prior to an episiotomy?

15 / 100

How to advise a woman with mild gestational hypertension?

16 / 100

What should a midwife advise for managing heartburn during pregnancy?

17 / 100

What should a midwife check at a first prenatal visit around 8 weeks gestation?

18 / 100

How frequently should an IV site be checked for signs of infection?

19 / 100

When should gestational diabetes screening be performed?

20 / 100

How often should postnatal check-ups be scheduled in the first six weeks?

21 / 100

What is the initial step in managing a breech presentation detected at term?

22 / 100

How to counsel parents on the importance of vaccinations for newborns?

23 / 100

How to counsel a couple about the benefits of breastfeeding?

24 / 100

How to counsel parents about night feeding for a newborn?

25 / 100

What technique is used to determine the position of the fetus?

26 / 100

Which vitamin should be supplemented in a vegan pregnant woman?

27 / 100

Which method is recommended for pain relief during early labor?

28 / 100

How often should a midwife check the vital signs of a woman in active labor?

29 / 100

What nutritional advice is crucial for a woman with gestational diabetes?

30 / 100

What is the correct response to a prolapsed umbilical cord?

31 / 100

Which nutritional supplement is crucial during pregnancy to prevent preeclampsia?

32 / 100

How should a midwife advise a postpartum woman about resuming physical activity?

33 / 100

What should a midwife check during a 28-week gestation follow-up?

34 / 100

What is the best practice for managing hypertension in pregnancy?

35 / 100

What should a midwife advise a pregnant woman experiencing leg cramps at night?

36 / 100

What is the recommended frequency of prenatal visits for a normal pregnancy?

37 / 100

What should be included in the initial newborn assessment?

38 / 100

What is the initial step in caring for a newborn with suspected sepsis?

39 / 100

When should Rh immunoglobulin be administered to an Rh-negative mother?

40 / 100

How to manage diaper rash that’s causing discomfort for a newborn?

41 / 100

How to educate a new mother about the signs of infant dehydration?

42 / 100

How is fetal wellbeing assessed during labor?

43 / 100

How should a midwife manage a case of shoulder dystocia?

44 / 100

How to manage slight dehydration in a pregnant woman?

45 / 100

What is the first-line treatment for eclampsia?

46 / 100

When is it appropriate to initiate phototherapy for neonatal jaundice?

47 / 100

What is the recommended management for retained placenta?

48 / 100

How is perinatal mental health best monitored?

49 / 100

What management strategy is recommended for managing hypotension in a postpartum woman?

50 / 100

What is the safest sleep position for infants to prevent SIDS?

51 / 100

What is the first immediate assessment to perform on a newborn?

52 / 100

What is the recommended practice for handling a breech presentation at term?

53 / 100

How should you counsel a mother about infant sleep safety?

54 / 100

What is the most effective method to promote maternal-infant bonding?

55 / 100

What is the role of magnesium sulfate in obstetric care?

56 / 100

When should a midwife recommend breastfeeding to begin after a cesarean section?

57 / 100

What factors should be assessed when examining a prenatal patient?

58 / 100

What screening test is recommended at the first prenatal visit?

59 / 100

What is the primary management for a prolapsed cord?

60 / 100

How often should fetal heart rate be monitored during active labor?

61 / 100

When is the administration of anti-D immune globulin indicated in Rh-negative mothers?

62 / 100

How to manage mild nappy rash in a newborn?

63 / 100

Which test is essential for diagnosing gestational diabetes?

64 / 100

What initial step should be taken for a hemorrhaging patient postpartum?

65 / 100

How is gestational age most accurately determined?

66 / 100

What should a midwife check during a routine third-trimester visit?

67 / 100

When is it most appropriate to perform a cervical exam during labor?

68 / 100

How should a midwife manage a routine antenatal visit at 16 weeks?

69 / 100

How often should fetal movements be felt in the third trimester?

70 / 100

How to soothe a newborn crying due to mild colic?

71 / 100

What is safe for a pregnant woman to do for mild exercise?

72 / 100

How to advise a woman experiencing fatigue in early pregnancy?

73 / 100

What advice to give for managing back pain in late pregnancy?

74 / 100

Which position is recommended for the first stage of labor to promote comfort and labor progress?

75 / 100

What is the most effective position to encourage during the second stage of labor to facilitate childbirth?

76 / 100

How should a midwife counsel a mother about the timing of cord clamping?

77 / 100

What is the recommended management for a third-degree perineal tear?

78 / 100

Which symptom is most indicative of postpartum depression?

79 / 100

What is a key indicator of postpartum infection?

80 / 100

How frequently should a post-cesarean patient’s vital signs be monitored immediately post-op?

81 / 100

What is a primary indication for the use of forceps during delivery?

82 / 100

What advice should be given to a woman experiencing lower back pain during pregnancy?

83 / 100

What is the most common cause of postpartum hemorrhage?

84 / 100

What is the optimal time to initiate breastfeeding after birth?

85 / 100

What exercise is safe for a pregnant woman in her second trimester?

86 / 100

How to comfort a fussy newborn at night?

87 / 100

What is the first-line treatment for neonatal respiratory distress?

88 / 100

How should a midwife manage a case of suspected preeclampsia?

89 / 100

What are the signs of effective breastfeeding in a newborn?

90 / 100

How to manage frequent mild contractions at 35 weeks gestation?

91 / 100

What signs of labor should a midwife explain to a first-time mother?

92 / 100

What dietary advice should be given to a pregnant woman with anemia?

93 / 100

How should a midwife handle a situation of maternal exhaustion during labor?

94 / 100

What is an appropriate way to manage mild swelling in the feet during late pregnancy?

95 / 100

What is an effective strategy to manage back pain during labor?

96 / 100

At what stage of labor is it appropriate to administer epidural anesthesia?

97 / 100

What dietary advice should be given to a breastfeeding mother to boost milk production?

98 / 100

What dietary advice should be given to a breastfeeding mother?

99 / 100

What are the signs of a true labor contraction?

100 / 100

When should routine screening for gestational diabetes occur?

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Understanding the Midwifery Clinical Test

The Midwifery Clinical Test is a crucial component of the assessment process for those looking to qualify and practice as midwives. This test evaluates the practical and theoretical knowledge of candidates to ensure they are well-prepared to deliver competent and compassionate care to patients. In this article, we will explore the essentials of the Midwifery Clinical Test, offering insights and tips to help you prepare effectively.

What is the Midwifery Clinical Test?

The Midwifery Clinical Test is designed to assess a candidate’s ability to apply clinical knowledge in practical situations. It simulates real-world scenarios that midwives might encounter in their day-to-day work, ranging from prenatal to postnatal care, including the management of emergencies that require immediate decision-making and action.

Key Components of the Test

The test typically covers a broad spectrum of scenarios, including:

  • Antenatal Care: Assessing the health of pregnant women and their unborn babies, offering advice on diet, exercise, and managing pregnancy symptoms.
  • Intrapartum Care: Managing labor and delivery, including the ability to make quick decisions during childbirth emergencies.
  • Postnatal Care: Providing care to mothers and newborns after birth, including breastfeeding support and postpartum health monitoring.
  • Neonatal Care: Ensuring the health and well-being of newborns, recognizing and managing conditions like jaundice and infections.
  • Professional Practice: Understanding the ethical and professional responsibilities of midwives, including patient confidentiality and informed consent.

Preparing for the Test

  1. Theoretical Knowledge:
  2. Practical Skills:
    • Engage in hands-on practice through simulations or clinical rotations. This real-world experience is invaluable.
    • Work closely with experienced midwives to gain insights and tips that can only come from practice.
  3. Mock Tests:
    • Take advantage of mock tests to familiarize yourself with the format of the clinical test. These can help you understand the types of scenarios you might face and how to handle them effectively.
    • Review your performance in these tests critically and work on areas where you find weaknesses.
  4. Stress Management:
    • Learn techniques to manage stress and anxiety. Being calm and composed during the test can greatly influence your performance.
    • Practice scenarios under timed conditions to build your confidence and improve your time management skills.

Tips for Success

  • Detail-Oriented Preparation: Focus on the details of clinical guidelines and standard practices in midwifery. Understanding the ‘why’ behind actions can help you make informed decisions during the test.
  • Collaboration and Networking: Discussing scenarios and strategies with peers or mentors can provide new perspectives and solutions to common problems.
  • Health and Well-Being: Ensure you are well-rested and healthy before the test. Good physical health supports mental clarity and concentration.


The Midwifery Clinical Test is not just a hurdle to cross but a validation of your capability and readiness to handle the responsibilities of a professional midwife. By preparing thoroughly, understanding the test format, and practicing under simulated conditions, you can approach your clinical test with confidence and a higher chance of success. Remember, the goal of this test is to ensure that you are prepared to provide safe, effective, and empathetic care to your patients.

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