Midwife CBT

Part B: Midwifery Clinical Test 2

The NBC CBT Practice Test is a valuable resource for nurses preparing to take the Computer Adaptive Test required for registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) in the UK.

1 / 100

Which symptom indicates a possible postpartum infection in a woman?

2 / 100

How is baby-friendly hospital initiative characterized?

3 / 100

What advice should be given to manage constipation during pregnancy?

4 / 100

When is the best time to administer prophylactic antibiotics to prevent group B streptococcus (GBS) infection in newborns?

5 / 100

What intervention is indicated for a newborn with Apgar score of 3 at 1 minute?

6 / 100

How should you manage a laboring woman with a known latex allergy?

7 / 100

How should you approach the care of a woman with a history of fast labors, currently in early labor?

8 / 100

What is the initial management for a newborn with meconium-stained amniotic fluid?

9 / 100

How to counsel a woman about the signs of labor?

10 / 100

What is the recommended first step in managing a case of suspected fetal distress?

11 / 100

What is the best way to ensure fetal health during a prolonged labor?

12 / 100

What symptom would warrant a midwife to recommend a glucose tolerance test during pregnancy?

13 / 100

How often should a postpartum woman with a third-degree perineal tear be examined in the first 6 weeks postpartum?

14 / 100

When should screening for postpartum thyroiditis occur in women with a history of thyroid issues?

15 / 100

What is the correct procedure for administering Rho(D) Immune Globulin to an Rh-negative mother after childbirth?

16 / 100

When should a midwife advise a pregnant woman to go to the hospital during early labor?

17 / 100

How is the third stage of labor managed typically?

18 / 100

When should a midwife recommend a pelvic exam during pregnancy?

19 / 100

How often should a newborn be breastfed in the first 24 hours?

20 / 100

When is a postpartum thyroid function test indicated?

21 / 100

What interventions are recommended for managing heartburn during pregnancy?

22 / 100

How should a midwife counsel a woman about lactation if she is taking beta-blockers for hypertension?

23 / 100

How should a midwife manage a newborn exhibiting signs of withdrawal due to maternal substance use?

24 / 100

What is the recommended frequency of prenatal visits after 28 weeks for a normal pregnancy?

25 / 100

How should a midwife address concerns about labor pain from a first-time mother?

26 / 100

What considerations should be taken when discussing birth control options postpartum?

27 / 100

What is a primary risk factor for postpartum hemorrhage?

28 / 100

What interventions are appropriate for a newborn with hypoglycemia?

29 / 100

What dietary advice should a midwife give to a pregnant woman with leg cramps?

30 / 100

Which test is essential to evaluate the baby’s condition immediately after birth?

31 / 100

What is the most effective way to monitor fetal heart rate during labor?

32 / 100

How often should the fetal position be assessed during labor?

33 / 100

When is it most appropriate to use intermittent auscultation for fetal monitoring?

34 / 100

How is maternal fatigue best managed during the postpartum period?

35 / 100

How should a midwife manage a mother with a headache and visual disturbances during labor?

36 / 100

When is the best time to perform a first ultrasound in pregnancy?

37 / 100

How should a woman be positioned if she is experiencing hypotensive symptoms while lying on her back during pregnancy?

38 / 100

What is the guideline for the use of electronic fetal monitoring in a low-risk pregnancy during labor?

39 / 100

What dietary recommendations should be given to a pregnant woman with anemia?

40 / 100

What dietary advice is recommended for a pregnant woman experiencing severe nausea and vomiting?

41 / 100

What treatment should be administered for a woman experiencing postpartum blues?

42 / 100

What advice should be given to a woman with a history of a low birth weight baby in her previous pregnancy?

43 / 100

When is it appropriate to initiate induction of labor in a woman with gestational diabetes?

44 / 100

When should Rh immunoglobulin be administered if antepartum bleeding occurs in an Rh-negative woman?

45 / 100

What is the initial management step for a newborn with a suspected congenital heart defect?

46 / 100

What is the recommended treatment for a woman experiencing moderate postpartum hemorrhage?

47 / 100

How is umbilical cord care managed in the first week of life?

48 / 100

How should you assess a woman in labor with suspected amniotic fluid embolism?

49 / 100

What initial action should be taken for a newborn not breathing at birth?

50 / 100

What is the best practice for pain management in a woman experiencing severe labor pain?

51 / 100

What is the most effective strategy to prevent postpartum depression?

52 / 100

How should a midwife manage a laboring woman with suspected amniotic fluid embolism?

53 / 100

What should be the focus during the initial newborn assessment?

54 / 100

How can a midwife assist a mother with initiating breastfeeding within an hour after a vaginal birth?

55 / 100

What initial action should be taken for a bleeding antepartum patient at 30 weeks?

56 / 100

What dietary advice is important for a lactating mother?

57 / 100

How should you approach counseling a woman about postpartum contraception during the third trimester?

58 / 100

When should the Hepatitis B vaccine be administered to a newborn?

59 / 100

How should a midwife manage a woman presenting with oligohydramnios?

60 / 100

How should you manage a pregnant woman presenting with a headache, swelling, and high blood pressure?

61 / 100

How should breastfeeding be initiated for a mother who had a cesarean section under general anesthesia?

62 / 100

What are the guidelines for physical activity in a low-risk pregnancy?

63 / 100

What is the most effective way to reduce the risk of venous thromboembolism in a postpartum woman?

64 / 100

What should be included in the discharge planning for a mother and newborn?

65 / 100

What is the most effective method to assess maternal well-being during the postpartum period?

66 / 100

What is the correct procedure for measuring fundal height?

67 / 100

What is the primary focus of the first postnatal visit?

68 / 100

What is the role of continuous support during labor?

69 / 100

How can you support a woman experiencing anxiety about breastfeeding?

70 / 100

How frequently should a midwife visit a woman at home in the first week postpartum?

71 / 100

How should a midwife manage a woman with a history of fast labors?

72 / 100

What should be done if the fetal heart rate drops below 110 beats per minute during labor?

73 / 100

What is the management strategy for a third-trimester pregnant woman with asymptomatic bacteriuria?

74 / 100

When is manual removal of the placenta indicated?

75 / 100

What initial step should be taken if a newborn exhibits signs of jaundice on the first day?

76 / 100

What should be done immediately if a woman experiences a seizure during pregnancy?

77 / 100

How should a midwife handle a complaint of severe perineal pain during the first postpartum week?

78 / 100

How should a midwife manage a mother with confirmed postpartum depression?

79 / 100

When should a non-stress test be conducted in a pregnancy?

80 / 100

How can a midwife support a woman expressing fear about childbirth?

81 / 100

How to manage a pregnant woman with iron-deficiency anemia not responding to oral iron supplements?

82 / 100

What is the most effective intervention to stop bleeding in a case of postpartum hemorrhage?

83 / 100

Which condition is a contraindication for a water birth?

84 / 100

When is it appropriate to initiate external cephalic version for breech presentation?

85 / 100

What is an effective way to promote maternal-infant bonding in the first hour after delivery?

86 / 100

What is the best practice for managing a woman in labor with no documented Group B Streptococcus (GBS) status?

87 / 100

What considerations should be taken for administering a rubella vaccine to a postpartum woman?

88 / 100

What is the first action to take for a breech presentation discovered at 37 weeks?

89 / 100

How should a midwife assess for pre-eclampsia in a routine antenatal visit?

90 / 100

What advice should be given to manage morning sickness during the first trimester?

91 / 100

What advice should be given regarding physical activity for a woman with symphysis pubis dysfunction during pregnancy?

92 / 100

When should you initiate induction of labor for post-term pregnancy?

93 / 100

How should you manage a pregnant woman with a headache and visual disturbances?

94 / 100

When is the administration of anti-D immune globulin NOT indicated?

95 / 100

What technique should be used to monitor a fetus during a water birth?

96 / 100

How can you support a woman during the second stage of labor to prevent perineal tearing?

97 / 100

What is the best practice for monitoring a woman with gestational hypertension during labor?

98 / 100

What is a key dietary recommendation for a pregnant woman with iron-deficiency anemia?

99 / 100

What is the appropriate management for a newborn with hypothermia?

100 / 100

What action should be taken if a woman experiences intense itching during pregnancy?

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nmc midwifery cbt questions and answers

NMC midwifery CBT questions and answers are crucial for those preparing to take the test. This test is designed to assess the knowledge and skills of foreign-trained midwives wishing to practice in the UK. The questions focus on various aspects of midwifery care, ensuring that all candidates meet the high standards expected in the UK healthcare system.

The NMC midwifery CBT covers a wide range of topics, including antenatal care, childbirth, postnatal care, and care of the newborn. These questions are formatted as multiple-choice, where candidates are required to select the best answer from several options. This format helps test the candidate’s ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations effectively.

Practicing these questions and reviewing the answers can significantly help candidates understand the exam format and the type of questions asked. It also helps identify areas where more study may be needed, allowing candidates to focus their preparation effectively. Additionally, regular practice with these questions builds confidence, which is key to performing well on the exam day.

Familiarizing yourself with the format of the questions helps you develop effective methods for addressing tricky scenarios and avoiding common pitfalls. By practicing consistently, you can improve your speed and accuracy, which are vital during the actual exam.

In conclusion, using NMC midwifery CBT questions and answers as part of your study plan is essential for success. They provide a clear idea of what to expect, help in gauging your preparedness, and improve your ability to answer questions accurately under exam conditions.

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