Adult Nurse CBT

Part B: Clinical Test 6

The NBC CBT Practice Test is a valuable resource for nurses preparing to take the Computer Adaptive Test required for registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) in the UK.

1 / 100

One of the main responsibilities of an employer should be:

2 / 100

All are risk factors of Coronary Artery Disease except:

3 / 100

The wife of a client with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) communicates to the nurse that she is having trouble dealing with her husband’s condition at home. Which of the following suggestions made by the nurse is CORRECT?

4 / 100

Which of the following is NOT a cause of Type 1 (hypoxaemic) respiratory failure?

5 / 100

Which sign or symptom is a key indication of progressive arterial insufficiency?

6 / 100

In interpreting ECG results if there is clear evidence of atrial disruption this is interpreted as?

7 / 100

What are the principles of communicating with a patient with delirium?

8 / 100

What percentage of the air we breath is made up of oxygen?

9 / 100

When carrying out a catheterization, on which patients would you use anaesthetic lubricating gel prior to catheter insertion?

10 / 100

If you were explaining anxiety to a patient, what would be the main points to include?

11 / 100

Which of the following oxygen masks is able to deliver between 60-90% of oxygen when delivered at a flow rate of 10 – 15L/min?

12 / 100

A patient with antisocial personality disorder enters the private meeting room of a nursing unit as a nurse is meeting with a different patient. Which of the following statements by the nurse is BEST?

13 / 100

In Spinal cord injury patients, what is the most common cause of autonomic dysreflexia ( a sudden rise in blood pressure)?

14 / 100

On a psychiatric unit, the preferred milieu environment is BEST described as:

15 / 100

A young woman who has tested positive for HIV tells her nurse that she has had many sexual partners. She has been on an oral contraceptive & frequently had not requested that her partners use condoms. She denies IV drug use she tells her nurse that she believes that she will die soon. What would be the best response for the nurse to make.

16 / 100

A client expressed concern regarding the confidentiality of her medical information. The nurse assures the client that the nurse maintains client confidentiality by

17 / 100

The patient can be selected with a crutch gait depending on the following apart from:

18 / 100

What are the principles of positioning a urine drainage bag?

19 / 100

A client breathes shallowly and looks upward when listening to the nurse. Which sensory mode should the nurse plan to use with this client?

20 / 100

The nurse is giving the client with a left cast crutch walking instructions using the three point gait. The client is allowed touchdown of the affected leg. The nurse tells the client to advance the:

21 / 100

A patient who doesn’t know English comes to hospital. Ur role?

22 / 100

One busy day on your shift, a manager told you that all washes should be done by 10am. What would you do?

23 / 100

Prior to sending a patient home on oxygen, healthcare providers must ensure the patient and family understand the dangers of smoking in an oxygen-rich environment. Why is this necessary?

24 / 100

What a patient should not do when using zimmer frame

25 / 100

The famous 14 Principles of Management was first defined by

26 / 100

Is normal breathing, what is the main muscle(s) involved in inspiration?

27 / 100

In going up the stairs with crutches, the nurse should instruct the patient to:

28 / 100

A client is having diagnosed atrial activity. identify the ECG

29 / 100

You are caring for a 17 year old woman who has been admitted with acute exacerbation of asthma. Her peak flow readings are deteriorating and she is becoming wheezy. What would you do?

30 / 100

Proper technique to use walker

31 / 100

What is the difference between denial & collusion?

32 / 100

When using crutches, what part of the body should absorb the patient’s weight?

33 / 100

Which of the following is NOT a cause of Type 1 (hypoxaemic) respiratory failure?

34 / 100

Which layer of the skin contains blood and lymph vessels. Sweat and sebaceous glands?

35 / 100

The nurse asks a newly admitted client, “What can we do to help you?” What is the purpose of this therapeutic communication technique?

36 / 100

What is the most important guiding principle when choosing the correct size of catheter?

37 / 100

You are a new and inexperienced staff, which of the following actions will you do during your first day on the clinical area?

38 / 100

What is the most accurate method of calculating a respiratory rate?

39 / 100

Which behaviors will encourage a patient to talk about their concerns?

40 / 100

When should adult patients in acute hospital settings have observations taken?

41 / 100

You are caring for a patient with a history of COAD who is requiring 70% humidified oxygen via a facemask. You are monitoring his response to therapy by observing his colour, degree of respiratory distress and respiratory rate. The patient’s oxygen saturations have been between 95% and 98%. In addition, the doctor has been taking arterial blood gases. What is the reason for this?

42 / 100

In normal breathing, what is the main muscle(s) involved in inspiration?

43 / 100

A client with a right arm cast for fractured humerus states, “I haven’t been able to straighten the fingers on the right hand since this morning.” What action should the nurse take?

44 / 100

Role conflict can occur in any situation in which individuals work together. The predominant reason that role conflict will emerge in collaboration is that people have different

45 / 100

A patient has sexual interest in you. What would you do?

46 / 100

You noticed medical equipment not working while you joined a new team and the team members are not using it. Your role?

47 / 100

What would make you suspect that a patient in your care had a urinary tack infection?

48 / 100

A patient on your ward complains that her heart is ‘racing’ and you find that the pulse is too fast to manually palpate. What would your actions be?

49 / 100

Covert communication may include the following except:

50 / 100

Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by compression of which nerve:

51 / 100

A nurse from Medical-surgical unit asked to work on the orthopedic unit. The medical-surgical nurse has no orthopedic nursing experience. Which client should be assigned to the medical-surgical nurse?

52 / 100

If a patient is prescribed nebulizers, what is the minimum flow rate in litres per minute required?

53 / 100

Which of the following statements by a nurse would indicate an understanding of intrapersonal communications?

54 / 100

Joy, a COPD patient is to be discharged in the community. As her nurse, which of the following interventions will you encourage him to do to prevent progression of disease.

55 / 100

A new mother is admitted to the acute psychiatric unit with severe postpartum depression. She is tearful and states, “I don’t know why this happened to me! I was so excited for my baby to come, but now I don’t know!” Which of the following responses by the nurse is MOST therapeutic?

56 / 100

The nurse has just been promoted to unit manager. Which advice, offered by a senior unit manager, will help this nurse become inspirational and motivational in this new role?

57 / 100

An RN from the women’s health clinic is temporarily reassigned to a medical-surgical unit. Which of these client assignments would be most appropriate for this nurse?

58 / 100

You are caring for a patient with a history of COAD who is requiring 70% humidified oxygen via a facemask. You are monitoring his response to therapy by observing his colour, degree of respiratory distress and respiratory rate. The patient’s oxygen saturations have been between 95% and 98%. In addition, the doctor has been taking arterial blood gases. What is the reason for this?

59 / 100

How do the structures of the human body work together to provide support and assist in movement?

60 / 100

What should be taught to a client about use of zimmer frame

61 / 100

A nurse manger achieves a higher management position in the organisation, there is a need for what type of skills?

62 / 100

Which of the following is NOT an example of non-verbal communication?

63 / 100

The most commonly injured carpal bone is:

64 / 100

What does ‘muscle atrophy’ mean?

65 / 100

A client express concern regarding the confidentiality of her medical information. The nurse assures the client that the nurse maintains client confidentiality by:

66 / 100

Which nursing statement is a good example of the therapeutic communication technique of offering self?

67 / 100

Orthostatic hypotension is diagnosed if the systolic blood pressure drops by how many mmHg?

68 / 100

Which nursing statement is a good example of the therapeutic communication technique of focusing?

69 / 100

The characteristic of an effective leader include:

70 / 100

The nurse is measuring the crutch using the patient’s height. How many inches should the nurse subtract from the patient’s height to obtain the approximate measurement?

71 / 100

Which is not a cause of postural hypotension?

72 / 100

The most advanced gait used in crutch walking is:

73 / 100

Which of the following is at a greater risk for developing coronary artery disease?

74 / 100

Prior to sending a patient home on oxygen, healthcare providers must ensure the patient and family understand the dangers of smoking in an oxygen-rich environment. Why is this necessary?

75 / 100

What is the clinical benefit of active ankle movements?

76 / 100

What is abduction?

77 / 100

If Tony’s heart rate slows down, this is referred to as:

78 / 100

What should be included in your initial assessment of your patient’s respiratory status?

79 / 100

A client diagnosed of cancer visits the OPD and after consulting the doctor breaks down in the corridor and begins to cry. What would the nurses best action?

80 / 100

How to give respect & dignity to the client?

81 / 100

The CQC describes compassion as what?

82 / 100

A nurse case manager receives a referral to provide case management services for an adolescent mother who was recently diagnosed with HIV. Which statement indicates that the patient understands her illness?

83 / 100

When would an orthostatic blood pressure measurement be indicated?

84 / 100

Which therapeutic communication technique is being used in this nurse- client interaction? Client: “When I get angry, I get into a fistfight with my wife or I take it out on the kids.” Nurse: “I notice that you are smiling as you talk about this physical violence.”

85 / 100

A patient with antisocial personality disorder enters the private meeting room of a nursing unit as a nurse is meeting with a different patient. Which of the following statements by the nurse is BEST?

86 / 100

While assisting a client from bed to chair, the nurse observes that the client looks pale and is beginning to perspire heavily. The nurse would then do which of the following activities as a reassessment?

87 / 100

The nurse suspects that a client is withholding health-related information out of fear of discovery and possible legal problems. The nurse formulates nursing diagnoses for the client carefully, being concerned about a diagnostic error resulting from which of the following?

88 / 100

Which of the following population group is at risk of developing cardiovascular disease?

89 / 100

One of your young patient displayed an overt sexual behaviour directly to you. How will you best respond to this?

90 / 100

When is the time to take the vital signs of the patients? Select which does not apply

91 / 100

In the context of assessing risks prior to moving and handling, what does T-I-L-E stand for?

92 / 100

Which nursing statement is a good example of the therapeutic communication technique of giving recognition?

93 / 100

Approximately how long is the spinal cord in an adult?

94 / 100

The nurse asks a newly admitted client, “What can we do to help you?” What is the purpose of this therapeutic communication technique?

95 / 100

Why is it important to manually assess pulse rate?

96 / 100

The following are qualities of a good leader, except:

97 / 100

Your patient has bronchitis and has difficulty in clearing his chest. What position would help to maximize the drainage of secretions?

98 / 100

What do the adverse effects of hypotension include?

99 / 100

Mrs red is complaing of shortness of breath, On assessment ,her legs are swollenindicative of tissue oedema .what do you think possible cause of this?

100 / 100

What is respiration?

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cbt for nurses test

If you’re a nurse looking to work in the UK, you’ll need to take the CBT, or Computer Based Test, for nurses. This test is very important because it checks if you have the right skills and knowledge to work safely as a nurse in the UK.

The CBT for nurses test is made up of questions that cover everything a nurse needs to know when they are taking care of patients. It’s not just about what you know in your head, but also how you use that knowledge when you’re working.

To start with, you need to understand what the test covers. It includes lots of different areas like how to look after patients, how to handle medicines safely, and what to do in emergencies. This means you need to be well prepared in many different parts of nursing.

Preparing for the test isn’t just about reading books. It’s a good idea to use different ways to study. Many nurses find it helpful to join study groups or online forums. This way, you can learn from others and also share what you know. Practice tests are also really useful. They help you get used to the type of questions that will be asked and check what you know and what you need to study more.

When you are studying, try to make a plan. Break down what you need to learn into small parts and set goals for yourself. This can make studying feel less overwhelming and more manageable. Remember, it’s okay to take breaks and not to rush. Learning everything at once can be too much.

On the day of the test, try to stay calm. Make sure you get a good night’s sleep before the test and eat a good breakfast. This will help you think clearly. When you’re taking the test, read each question carefully before you answer. It’s important to understand what the question is asking.

After the test, you might feel anxious waiting for the results. This is normal. Try to relax and be proud that you’ve done your best. No matter what happens, you can always learn from the experience.

In conclusion, the CBT for nurses test is a big step if you want to work as a nurse in the UK. With the right preparation, you can do well. Use different study methods, practice a lot, and take care of yourself. Remember, it’s all about showing that you have the skills to be a great nurse. Good luck!

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