Adult Nurse CBT

NMC CBT Practice test 5

The NBC CBT Practice Test is a valuable resource for nurses preparing to take the Computer Adaptive Test required for registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) in the UK.

1 / 120

Barbara was screaming in pain later in the day despite the PCA in-situ. You refer back to your nurse in charge for a stronger pain killer. She refused to call the doctor because her pain relief was reassessed earlier. What will you do next?

2 / 120

The following must be considered in procuring a consent, except:

3 / 120

if a client is experiencing hypotension post operatively, the head is not tilted in which of the following surgeries

4 / 120

Which therapeutic communication technique should the nurse use when communicating with a client who is experiencing auditory hallucinations?

5 / 120

Gurgling sound from airway in a postoperative client indicates what

6 / 120

As a registered nurse in a unit what would consider as a priority to a patient immediately post operatively?

7 / 120

What serious condition is a possibility for patients positioned in the Lloyd Davies position during surgery?

8 / 120

A patient doesn’t sign the consent for mastectomy. But bystanders strongly feel that she needs surgery.

9 / 120

Which of the following is NOT an example of non-verbal communication?

10 / 120

Lumbar post op patient moving and handling

11 / 120

Which nursing statement is a good example of the therapeutic communication technique of giving recognition?

12 / 120

Which nursing statement is a good example of the therapeutic communication technique of focusing?

13 / 120

Which of the following approaches creates a barrier to communication?

14 / 120

If you were explaining anxiety to a patient, what would be the main points to include?

15 / 120

Which of the following are barriers to effective communication?

16 / 120

When a patient arrives to the hospital who speaks a different language. Who is responsible for arranging an interpreter?

17 / 120

Which nursing statement is a good example of the therapeutic communication technique of offering self?

18 / 120

A nurse has been told that a client’s communications are tangential. The nurse would expect that the client’s verbal responses to questions would be:

19 / 120

According to Argyle (1988), when two people communicate what percentage of what is communicated is actually in the words spoken?

20 / 120

In which of the following situations might nitrous oxide (Entonox) be considered?

21 / 120

Which nursing response is an example of the nontherapeutic communication block of requesting an explanation?

22 / 120

The nurse asks a newly admitted client, “What can we do to help you?” What is the purpose of this therapeutic communication technique?

23 / 120

A patient in your care is about to go for a liver biopsy. What are the most likely potential complications related to this procedure?

24 / 120

A patient in your care is about to go for a liver biopsy. What are the most likely potential complications related to this procedure?

25 / 120

Which nursing response is an example of the nontherapeutic communication block of requesting an explanation?

26 / 120

On a psychiatric unit, the preferred milieu environment is BEST described as:

27 / 120

Covert communication may include the following except:

28 / 120

When communicating with someone who isn’t a native English speaker, which of the following is NOT advisable?

29 / 120

Safe moving and handling of an anaesthetized patient is imperative to reduce harm to both the patient and staff. What is the minimum number of staff required to provide safe manual handling of a patient in theatre?

30 / 120

Communication is not the message that was intended but rather the message that was received. The statement that best helps explain this is

31 / 120

What position should you prepare the patient Paracentesis?

32 / 120

Which behaviours will encourage a patient to talk about their concerns?

33 / 120

Position to make breathing effective?

34 / 120

The nursing staff communicates that the new manager has a focus on the “bottom line,” and little concern for the quality of care. What is likely true of this nurse manager?

35 / 120

What is the preferred position for abdominal Paracenthesis?

36 / 120

A patient has just returned from theatre following surgery on their left arm. They have a PCA infusion connected and from the admission, you remember that they have poor dexterity with their right hand. They are currently pain free. What actions would you take?

37 / 120

Famous actress has had plastic surgery. The media contacts the nurse on the unit and asks for information about the surgery. The nurse knows:

38 / 120

A patient puts out his arm so that you can take his blood pressure. What type of consent is this?

39 / 120

A client expressed concern regarding the confidentiality of her medical information. The nurse assures the client that the nurse maintains client confidentiality by

40 / 120

What law should be taken into consideration when a patient has hearing difficulties and would need hearing aids?

41 / 120

What are the principles of gaining informed consent prior to a planned surgery?

42 / 120

When communicating with someone who isn’t a native English speaker, which of the following is NOT advisable?

43 / 120

Which behaviors will encourage a patient to talk about their concerns?

44 / 120

The CQC describes compassion as what?

45 / 120

Recommended preoperative fasting times are:

46 / 120

An adult is offered the opportunity to participate in research on a new therapy. The researcher ask the nurse to obtain the patient’s consent. What is most appropriate for the nurse to take?

47 / 120

Which of these is an example of an open question?

48 / 120

Barbara, a 75-year old patient from a nursing home was admitted on your ward because of fractured neck of femur after a trip. She will require an open-reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) procedure to correct the injury. Which of the following statements will help her understand the procedure?

49 / 120

It is important that patients are effectively fasted prior to surgery in order to:

50 / 120

A patient is being prepared for a surgery and was placed on NPO. What is the purpose of NPO?

51 / 120

Which behaviours will encourage a patient to talk about their concerns?

52 / 120

You are the nurse assigned in recovery room or post anaesthetic care unit. The main priority of care in such area is:

53 / 120

What should be included in your initial assessment of your patient’s respiratory status?

54 / 120

Which nursing statement is a good example of the therapeutic communication technique of offering self?

55 / 120

Which of the following is NOT an example of non-verbal communication?

56 / 120

You went back to see Mr Derby who is 1 day post-herniorraphy. As you approach him he complained of difficulty of breathing with respiration rate of 23 breaths per minute and oxygen saturation 92% in room air. What is your next action to help him?

57 / 120

Which therapeutic communication technique should the nurse use when communicating with a client who is experiencing auditory hallucinations?

58 / 120

patient just had just undergone lumbar laminectomy, what is the best nursing intervention?

59 / 120

Which therapeutic communication technique is being used in this nurse- client interaction? Client: “When I get angry, I get into a fistfight with my wife or I take it out on the kids.” Nurse: “I notice that you are smiling as you talk about this physical violence.”

60 / 120

Which of the following is a severe complication during 24 hrs post liver biopsy?

61 / 120

Which nursing statement is a good example of the therapeutic communication technique of giving recognition?

62 / 120

A patient has just returned from theatre following surgery on his left arm. He has a PCA infusion connected and from the admission, you remember that they have poor dexterity with his right hand. He is currently pain free. What actions would you take?

63 / 120

A new mother is admitted to the acute psychiatric unit with severe postpartum depression. She is tearful and states, “I don’t know why this happened to me! I was so excited for my baby to come, but now I don’t know!” Which of the following responses by the nurse is MOST therapeutic?

64 / 120

Which of the following methods of wound closure is most suitable for a good cosmetic result following surgery?

65 / 120

When communicating with a client who speaks a different language, which best practice should the nurse implement?

66 / 120

When communicating with someone who isn’t a native English speaker, which of the following is advisable?

67 / 120

Which nursing statement is a good example of the therapeutic communication technique of giving recognition?

68 / 120

Who should mark the skin with an indelible pen ahead of surgery?

69 / 120

The night after an exploratory laparotomy, a patient who has a nasogastric tube attached to low suction reports nausea. A nurse should take which of the following actions first?

70 / 120

A patient is assessed as lacking capacity to give consent if they are unable to:

71 / 120

You are caring for a 17 year old woman who has been admitted with acute exacerbation of asthma. Her peak flow readings are deteriorating and she is becoming wheezy. What would you do?

72 / 120

Patient is post of repair of tibia and fibula possible signs of compartment syndrome include

73 / 120

The nurse asks a newly admitted client, “What can we do to help you?” What is the purpose of this therapeutic communication technique?

74 / 120

Patient is post op liver biopsy which is a sign of serious complication?

75 / 120

Early ambulation prevents all complications except:

76 / 120

A patient with learning disability is accompanied by a voluntary independent mental capacity advocate. What is his role?

77 / 120

In non-verbal communication, what does SOLER stand for?

78 / 120

When do you gain consent from a patient and consider it valid?

79 / 120

Which of the following statements by a nurse would indicate an understanding of intrapersonal communications?

80 / 120

Which of the following descriptors is most appropriate to use when stating the “problem” part of a nursing diagnosis?

81 / 120

Patient is in for oxygen therapy

82 / 120

How soon after surgery is the patient expected to pass urine?

83 / 120

A patient who doesn’t know English comes to hospital. Ur role?

84 / 120

What serious condition is a possibility for patients positioned in the Lloyd Davies position during surgery?

85 / 120

What are the principles of communicating with a patient with delirium?

86 / 120

Accurate postoperative observations are key to assessing a patient’s deterioration or recovery. The Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS) is a scoring system that supports that aim. What is the primary purpose of MEWS?

87 / 120

Which therapeutic statement is a good example of the therapeutic communication technique of offering self?

88 / 120

Reason for dyspnoea in patients who diagnosed with Glomerulonephritis patients?

89 / 120

Patient has just been told by the physician that she has stage III uterine cancer. The patient says to the nurse, “I don’t know what to do. How do I tell my husband?” and begins to cry. Which of the following responses by the nurse is the MOST therapeutic?

90 / 120

Which nursing response is an example of the nontherapeutic communication block of requesting an explanation?

91 / 120

Which therapeutic communication technique is being used in this nurse- client interaction?

92 / 120

Lisa, a working mother of 3, has approached you during a recent attendance of her daughter in Accident and Emergency because of an acute asthma attack about smoking cessation. What is your most appropriate response to her?

93 / 120

Who should mark the skin with an indelible pen ahead of surgery?

94 / 120

What factors are essential in demonstrating supportive communication to patients?

95 / 120

What is right in case of consent among children under 18.

96 / 120

A nurse assists the physician in performing liver biopsy. After the biopsy the nurse places the patient in which position?

97 / 120

The wife of a client with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) communicates to the nurse that she is having trouble dealing with her husband’s condition at home. Which of the following suggestions made by the nurse is CORRECT?

98 / 120

Why is it essential to humidify oxygen used during respiratory therapy?

99 / 120

Mr Khan, is visiting his son in London when he was admitted in accident and emergency due to abdominal pain. Mr. Khan is from Pakistan and does not speak the English language. As his nurse, what is your best action:

100 / 120

What does assessing for no refusal means?

101 / 120

Which nursing statement is good example of the therapeutic communication technique of focusing?

102 / 120

A patient with antisocial personality disorder enters the private meeting room of a nursing unit as a nurse is meeting with a different patient. Which of the following statements by the nurse is BEST?

103 / 120

Now the medical team encourages early ambulation in the post- operative period. which complication is least prevented by this?

104 / 120

Covert communication may include the following except:

105 / 120

An example of a positive outcome of a nurse-health team relationship would be:

106 / 120

What is the difference between denial & collusion?

107 / 120

Which of the following statements by a nurse would indicate an understanding of intrapersonal communications?

108 / 120

Which of the following statements by a nurse would indicate an understanding of intrapersonal communications?

109 / 120

The nurse asks a newly admitted client. “What can we 4.do to help you?” What is the purpose of this therapeutic communication technique?

110 / 120

When an oropharyngeal airway is inserted properly, what is the sign

111 / 120

What are the principles of communicating with a patient with delirium?

112 / 120

A nurse has been told that a client’s communications are tangential. The nurse would expect that the clients verbal responses to questions would be:

113 / 120

You are looking after a postoperative patient and when carrying out their observations, you discover that they are tachycardic and anxious, with an increased respiratory rate. What could be happening? What would you do?

114 / 120

A patient has been assessed as lacking capacity to make their own decisions, what government legislation or act should be referred to:

115 / 120

A patient is scheduled to undergo an Elective Surgery. What is the least thing that should be done?

116 / 120

When an oropharyngeal airway is inserted properly, what is the sign

117 / 120

An adult has been medicated for her surgery. The operating room (OR) nurse, when going through the client’s chart, realizes that the consent form has not been signed. Which of the following is the best action for the nurse to take?

118 / 120

A patient under u developed shortness of breath while climbing stairs. U inform this to the doctor. This response is interpreted ass:

119 / 120

Why is it important that patients are effectively fasted prior to surgery?

120 / 120

What do you have to consider if you are obtaining a consent from the patient?

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cbt practice

Starting a career in nursing in the UK is exciting, but there’s a big step you have to climb first – the NMC CBT. And to get over this step, you’ve got to lace up your boots and get into some serious CBT practice. Whether you’re just out of school or you’re looking for a fresh start in your thirties, getting your hands on some CBT practice can make a world of difference.

The NMC CBT, or Nursing and Midwifery Council Computer-Based Test, is how they decide if you’ve got the right stuff to be a nurse in the UK. But here’s the thing: it’s not just what you know, it’s about how you use that knowledge. And that’s where CBT practice steps in. Think of it like a rehearsal. The more you practice, the better your performance on the actual day.

Imagine you’re learning a new sport or an instrument. You wouldn’t expect to be perfect straight away, right? It’s the same with CBT practice. Each session is a chance to get better, to learn the rules of the game, and to find out where you need to improve. It’s about getting familiar with the types of questions you’ll face and developing a strategy for tackling them.

Manage your time.

CBT practice also helps you manage your time. With the clock ticking, it’s easy to get flustered. Regular practice sessions train you to think clearly under pressure. You’ll learn to pace yourself, spending the right amount of time on each question, and not getting bogged down by tricky ones.

And let’s not forget about confidence. Walking into your NMC CBT feeling prepared and knowing what to expect can seriously boost your confidence. CBT practice lets you take on similar questions in a format that mimics the real test. So when the big day comes, you’ll feel like you’ve been there before.

Mistakes are a big part of the practice too. Each wrong answer is a chance to learn something new. So don’t worry about getting everything right the first time. Use those mistakes to build a stronger foundation for your knowledge.

To wrap it up, CBT practice is a must if you’re looking to pass your NMC CBT with flying colors. It’s practical, it builds confidence, and it turns those tricky questions into familiar friends. Get into a solid routine, stick with it, and you’ll be on your way to joining the ranks of UK nurses. So get started on that CBT practice today, and take that next big step in your career with confidence.

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